International Affiliate
International Affiliate – refers to Filipino RSLPs who are practicing abroad and/or foreign nationals who are allowed or are licensed to practice speech language pathology in the Philippines.
He/she should be a graduate of BS Speech Pathology or BS Speech
Language Pathology from an accredited university.
He/she should be able to provide a valid license from the Professional
Regulation commission (for foreign trained SLPs who wishes to practice in
the Philippines).
The following are the benefits the PASP International Affiliate Member will enjoy:
Member access to our official PASP website
Receive alerts on upcoming events, training and seminars sponsored by
the association
Discounts on Seminars and Training sponsored by the association
Receive email reminders on dues and events
Easy tracking of payments, subscriptions and donations made
Receive regular news and updates on the Speech-Language Pathology
PASP Identification Card for Local Affiliates
Free subscription to a wide variety of technical forums of your choice
Required Documents
The following are the required documents necessary for the application of
International Affiliate Member:
Update the Membership Information Sheet on the website
Copy of Diplomas received (college and post-graduate)
Copy of deposit slip or proof of transfer
You may follow up the status of your membership at
Membership Renewal
For renewal of International Affiliate Members for those practicing abroad:
Update Membership Information Sheet on the website.
Pay the renewal fee on or before its due date