Arden Romanillos
Chair, External Affairs Committee
Arden is a registered speech-language pathologist who caters to pediatric, adult, and geriatric populations with communication (hearing, speech and language) and swallowing difficulties; and disorders secondary to developmental, acquired, acute and chronic neurological and other medical conditions.
The first magna cum laude graduate of the Bachelor of Science in Speech-Language Pathology program of the College of Rehabilitation Sciences - University of Santo Tomas-Manila, he currently works as a University instructor in the same University, teaching applied speech pathology courses in adult practice.
As a clinician, he currently works as a senior consultant and Chief of the Speech-Language Pathology Section of the National Kidney and Transplant Institute in Quezon City, specializing in adult dysphagia practice. He is also a consultant at the Collaborative Learning Laboratory Therapy Center (formerly known as Speech Ladder/ NEST-Greenhills). Aside from being a clinician, he also works as a clinical supervisor for speech pathology interns.
Outside of clinic duties, Arden is also the CEO and President of DenVer Kennel MNL Co. Inc. which wholly owns DenVer's FurHouse Veterinary Surgery and Wellness Center in Caloocan City. When not seeing patients or doing University work, he exhibits dogs, particularly Japanese Akitainus and Pembroke Welsh Corgis in local and international dog shows.